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  Allow yourself to blossom.
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"Until you know who you are,You will never know what you can become" - Aristotle.
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Lets talk it out.

   Take control of Your Life!
        stop talking

My name is Tshidi M Wyllie ; PhD Candidate, M.Ed - Guidance & Counselling, B .Ed - Guidance & Counselling, MBTI Practitioner, EQ-i 2.0 EQ360 coach & SUD professional. 

 Provide psychosocial services, EQ training, team building, group counselling,  career guidance and assessment,​ family therapy, emotional Intelligence training & counsellor supervision.

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Are your employees experiencing burn-out, personality clashes creating a non-conducive working environment, do you have factions and cliques which interfere with organizational performance/production ? Give us a call or send an e-mail at:

​​To start living your life the  best way that

makes you feel content has everything to do

with the way you understand and have

accepted who you are; it boils down to loving yourself just they way you are; "like yourself,

warts and all (Stein & Book; 2011).

As individuals we have our strengths and limitations.

Its okay to be aware of one's limitations so that when necessary you could ask for support, either from your family members, friends or colleagues at work. So self-understanding is critical in our ability to self-actualize; to unleash our potential and live the life that we desire as well as relate well with others.


We do not live in isolation so knowing who you

are and accepting who you are will enable you to relate well with others.


Self-expression is also crucial as you interact with other people. Unless you say it,they wouldn't know how you prefer to be treated or how you feel.


​whats your perception of yourself?

what are your strengths and your limitations?

You wouldn't be human if you did not have limitations (weaknesses).​ each one of us is unique, so never compare yourself to someone else.


​Its important not to get fixated on our weaknesses though, because that might paralyze us from setting goals and achieving them.

Similarly, when you set your personal goal, make sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and time-specific/time bound ; in other words: 


How much?

how would you know if you have achieved them?

what personal resources/input (strengths) do you have to achieve them?

and by when should it be completed?


Most importantly  do what you love; Do you love and enjoy the work you do?

Live your life to the fullest, after  all; you only live once!


Discover your greatest Pontential....








Discover your creative self; identify what gives you greater satisfaction. Go out and explore different things.Be on a mission to re-discover the real you. It's never too late to get to know your true self and enjoy being you...







Find out what fulfills you, what makes you be you


 Does having a lot of wealth help to fill that emptiness, or do you still

feel unfulfilled despite the material stuff you have ?


What's your purpose and what gratifies you and  makes you feel you

have self-actualized..?


  Is there more to life than what you are experiencing at the moment?


 Does the car you drive; the house you own or the materials you have

define you?

 If you were to lose them will you still be you or will you cease

from being you? Does the relationship you have define who you are?


 Many a times people define themselves by  what they  posses and the  type

of friends they  have, then without all those, they feel incomplete, like

they are not  whole,


 Do you gauge your self-worth, self- concept and your perception of who you

are by your possessions?


  Is  your self-esteem only based on the nice things people say about you

and what they think of you?


 Is your self-esteem  defined by others and all the stuff you have? 


 Do you have high Self-esteem or others esteem ?


"others esteem" is that confidence based on people's assessment of you,

which is mostly based on what people think of you, therefore, if they

 don't praise you, you then perceive yourself as someone of less

 value and insignificant.


But the truth is that, if you know who you are, your potential and you have

the confidence in yourself, no amount of negative evaluation of you could

influence who you believe you are.


 If its constructive assessment and helps you to grow, to improve in various

areas and in your interpersonal relationship, cherish it, appreciate it.

Nobody is perfect. we are all flawed with strengths and limitations and

sometimes accepting feedback maybe difficult.


 Reflexive approach to self is often beneficial for our growth.


 Competing with no one but yourself to become a better version of yourself

is a good thing because it makes you to challenge yourself.

 If you choose to do that, let it be a healthy competition where you

 don't become too critical of yourself to a point of damaging your inner-being

 which might be detrimental to your mental well-being.

 If without your possessions you don't know who you are or without your

friends you cant be yourself then  who are you?

Are you others directed?;

Is your self worth based on others and on material possessions?.


  Without all the possessions, the glamour and the glitter, then who would you say you are?

Who are you?












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Over the years you have allowed other people to make decisions for you​ by not expressing your true emotions. Its time to take back your life, be the driver of your life and propel your way to greater heights, you can achieve whatever you put your mind into; all you need is to believe in yourself; be assertive and go out and take back your life. Take your power back.




                      discover your  

                 greatest self.....



There is something special about each one of us, and we all have potential to achieve great things. To self-actualize; to be the best that we can be requires assertiveness, regular introspection, and learning to emotionally express ourselves without hurting those we interact with and those we love is essential. Establishing what it is that gives you meaning is the best place to start; find out what it is in lifer that gives you great satisfaction; is it your family, your job, your volunteerism, staying busy or spending more time with your loved ones?.


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​© 2013 by DrTshidi M.Wyllie Coaching.

New beginnings Counselling Center Botswana. All rights reserved.

We collaborates with various executives from

New Perspectives Botswana and other regional organizations

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