Notice when you engage in overthinking and rumination and do something about it. You can ask yourself a few questions when you notice it; such as:
#Are these thoughts helping?
#Is it true?
#Does dwelling on it help?
#Does it change what has happened or what's about to happen?
#Do I have control of the situation or is it outside my circle of influence?
#could there be a different way of looking at the situation?
#will it still matter 6 months from now?
#has this developed into a pattern?
#what is the real underlying emotion under the fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, worry etc?
How can I cope ?
There are various ways you could cope; for
#Notice it
#You could visit a counsellor/ psychotherapist # Journal
#challenge the thought
#reframe your thoughts, emotion and behaviour( re-align) ; create a balance.
#Create a conducive environment for aromatherapy
#Use physical and cognitive distraction #Intentional breathing exercises
#Visualisation and progressive muscle relaxation
#Listen to soothing music
The list is endless, so find what works for you