Background: There is extensive literature on grief, bereavement and its impact on individuals’ mental health. Literature shows that grief is an individualised response to the loss of loved ones. This article is based on a case study of a family in Botswana during the COVID-19 period. The global impact of COVID-19 was felt everywhere and some countries and families were affected more than others. Objective: This case study aimed to examine the grief process experiences, determine the physiological responses of those grieving and examine the myths surrounding the grief process. Method: The case study method engaged 4 members of 1 family who lost their significant others, they were interviewed a year after the deaths. Data was collected qualitatively through interviews and was thematically analysed. Part of this study’s findings were presented in a Radio Talk show to sensitise the public on the grieving process and effective coping strategies. Results: The findings revealed that individuals grieved differently. In this case study, the family lost 4 members to COVID-19. Even though some family members appeared to be coping, others expressed inability to cope with the grief process due to personal differences, perceptions of death and cultural influences. The study established 4 common themes among grieving individuals encompassing emotional, cognitive and physical responses. Financial, cultural and religious issues also impacted the respondents’ grief process and exacerbated the inability to cope, and common grief myths were also identified. Conclusion: Grief is experienced differently and elicits different cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioural responses. There is a need for empirical information to add to existing knowledge on the grief process to give insight into ways of processing grief-related mental health issues. This study is an impetus for knowledge-creation and development of grief counselling aimed to empower grief counsellors in Botswana.
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